
If you're having trouble with the website or can't find what you're looking for, you've come to the right place to get help.

Website Help

I can't view the site properly

If you are having trouble viewing the site please visit the Accessibility page for help.


I want to make a suggestion

We'd love to hear what you think of the site. If you'd like to leave some feedback please go to the Feedback page.


I want to know how my personal information will be used

If you want to find out about Checkurself's approach to the data it collects, visit our Privacy Policy to find out more.


What people are saying

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  • Fast and reliable way to get tested in the comfort of your own home. Would recommend to all....

    ~ Southwark Visitor
  • Very impressive service! Just get yourself checked!

    ~ Greenwich Resident Visitor
  • This is a great website and congratulations for optimising it for mobile. it was really easy to navigate around and the game was fun too. the legal stuff about privacy was also easy to understand so thanks for that too.

    ~ Hounslow Visitor