Feedback | Checkurself


We want our service to be the best it can be. The best way to do this is to find out what you think. Please let us know what you think of our service – good and bad.

Checkurself Feedback

We value your feedback on our service! Please complete the following form to help us provide you the very best service.

Please note that we will not reply to any questions left on this feedback form. If you have a question, or would like to get directly in contact with your local PCT, please go to the Contact Us page.

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Did you find our site useful?

Have you been offered a Chlamydia test?

Would you recommend the Checkurself service to a friend?

Where did you hear about Checkurself?

In which London Borough do you live?


What people are saying

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  • Very grateful for this easy, cost-free service, especially as private sites are charging youngsters in excess of 30 pounds for a kit.

    ~ Bromley Resident Visitor
  • NHS are doing some great job with these free STI tests and I think that there should be more of them, such as AIDS. However, thanks a lot for the free opportunity to test my self for Chlamydia.

    ~ Croydon Visitor
  • check urself before u shrek urself if u know what im sayin

    ~ Ealing Visitor